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The purpose of this document is to guide developers in utilizing Navana Tech's Zabaan SDK to make their applications more intuitive for low-literate users.

What you will need

  1. API ≥ 21
  2. Zabaan 1.0.0

Getting Started

Zabaan is implemented as an SDK in order to make integration to any application as seamless as possible. The integration can be done using our remote package repository link.

Adding Zabaan to your app

We are using mavenCentral to host SDK packages publicly. Fetching from mavenCentral is public and doesn't need any special authorizations. In order to fetch SDK as dependency you will have to first include the following mavenCentral repository to your project's build.gradle.

allprojects {
    repositories {
        mavenCentral()  //Add this line

Declare the dependency in your app's build.gradle.

implementation 'in.navanatech:zabaan-sdk:<version_number>'
  • The Zabaan SDK sizes around 900kb.

  • Under the hood, Zabaan uses Text-To-Speech and Android MediaPlayer APIs to speak to the user using synthesis or audio files respectively.

  • Find latest releases and change log here

The following documentations is divided into these section

You can also check out this video for getting started.

Other resources

Webview support in the Zabaan SDK


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