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Auto upload view ids with gradle

In order to create interactions for screen over Zabaan CMS for the latest release, view IDs need to be updated from CMS everytime they change. Zabaan CMS allows us to upload view ids in bulk using or a CSV file in a specified format. We provide tools tools to reduce the manual work of generating and uploading it to the CMS. Follow the instructions below to learn more.

Check out this video guide to see how to upload the view IDs to CMS


Before you can go ahead and upload the view ids you'll first need to make sure you have a few things ready.

  1. Make sure you have Android SDK installed and ANDROID_HOME is present in your PATH. (You can also pass the ANDROID_HOME directory as an argument, more on that later.)
  2. Make sure you have created a release APK, store the path to that APK as it'll be required later.
  3. (Upload only) If you want the gradle script to upload the CSV File, you will require the release number of the release you want to update view ids for and the dev token handed to you by the Navana team. These are required so we can upload the CSV File to your release.

    Make sure you do not share this token with anyone outside your organisation.


Generate CSV File

If you only want to generate CSV File and don't want to upload it to the latest release, you can do it using our zabaan.gradle script. You can find the script here:



The following arguments must be passed from the command line.

Name Required Description
androidHomePath NO Absolute path to the Android SDK. This is not required if ANDROID_HOME is available as a PATH variable.
apkPath YES Absolute path to the release APK


  1. Download the zabaan.gradle script available above.
  2. Place the script in your :app subproject
  3. In your app level build.gradle add the following to the bottom of the script. (After your dependencies {} block)

    apply from: 'zabaan.gradle'

  4. Now, create your release APK, if you haven't already, and inside your android project, run the following command. (You can skip the —androidHomePath if you have ANDROID_HOME in your PATH)

    ./gradle generateBindings --androidHomePath="/path/to/android/sdk" --apkPath="/path/to/apk"

  5. Yay, we're done. You should see this message: CSV File create at /some/path . This means the task was completed successfully. If you see a BUILD FAILED message, this means that something went wrong. Try to fix the error mentioned or just ask us for help!

Upload CSV File

If you want to generate CSV File and upload it to a release, you can use the zabaan-upload.gradle script. You can find the script here:



The following arguments must be passed from the command line.

Name Required Description
androidHomePath NO Absolute path to the Android SDK. This is not required if ANDROID_HOME is available as a PATH variable.
apkPath YES Absolute path to the release APK
releaseNumber YES Latest release available on the CMS.
token YES Token to upload the CSV File to the project.


  1. Download the zabaan-upload.gradle script available above.
  2. Place the script in your :app subproject
  3. In your app level build.gradle add the following to the bottom of the script. (After your dependencies {} block)

    apply from: 'zabaan-upload.gradle'

  4. Now, create your release APK, if you haven't already, and inside your android project, run the following command. (You can skip the —androidHomePath if you have ANDROID_HOME in your PATH)

    ./gradle uploadBindings --androidHomePath="/path/to/android/sdk" --apkPath="/path/to/apk" --releaseNumber=1 --token="SECRET_TOKEN"

  5. Yay, we're done. You'll see a message like CSV File uploaded successfully . This means the task was completed sucessfuly. If you see a BUILD FAILED message, this means that something went wrong. The error message contains bits about what might have went wrong, try the solution mentioned there or just contact us and we can fix it for you.

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