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Setting screen name and using State

Zabaan SDK uses the concept of screen and state to identify and set interactions needed to be played for a particular screen and state.

To identify a particular screen setScreenName(<screen_name>) must be used. Make sure to call this function inside onResume() after calling the show() method. Each interaction defined over the CMS should have a state defined.

protected void onResume() {
    // Call this method before setting the screen and state if you want assistant to be visible
    Zabaan.getInstance().show(viewBinding.rootview, getLifecycle());
    //This tells Zabaan which screen is currently active
    //This tells Zabaan which state is active on any given screen
override fun onResume() {
    // Call this method before setting the screen and state if you want assistant to be visible
    Zabaan.getInstance().show(viewBinding.rootview, lifecycle)
    //This tells Zabaan which screen is currently active
    //This tells Zabaan which state is active on any given screen

Check this video for more information

Using multiple states

On any Activity/Fragment, you may want the assistant to play different audio based on particular criteria. For example, if a user has not used a particular feature you could assign them a particular state feature_not_used

However, if they have used that feature you could assign them feature_used state.

These states will talk to our back-end and retrieve the appropriate audio to play to the user.


Now, once the user clicks on the Zabaan Assistant, the audio will play based on the state assigned.

Using states as triggers

All of the above applies to a scenario in which a user requests help by clicking on the Assistant icon. If a user makes a mistake while interacting with a particular element on the screen, we provide the ability to play an audio file in the following manner:

//User inputting the incorrect four digit pin
if(invalid_four_digit_pin) {
    StateInteractionRequest request = new StateInteractionRequest.Builder()
//User inputting the incorrect four digit pin
if(invalid_four_digit_pin) {
    StateInteractionRequest request = StateInteractionRequest.Builder()

Check this video for more information

Highlighting views dynamically

For scenarios where the application has to decide at run-time which view they should point to, the below solution can be used. By using the function playInteraction(ViewOnlyInteractionRequest). Users can also choose from a variety of finger animations to use by using the setFingerAnimation function.

ViewInteractionRequest request = new ViewInteractionRequest.Builder()
ViewInteractionRequest request = ViewInteractionRequest.Builder()

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